
ARP – Review the Reviews: Design Charrette

Play… is something fundamentally larger than the individual player or their mental state; it is a pattern of movement that surpasses both the players, and is something to which both players belong.’ (p32) Vilhauer, M. 2017. Gadamer’s Ethics of Play: Hermeneutics and the Other. Plymouth: Lexington.

How to get the group to interact with an object that transcends cultural, subject, race, gender and any other boundaries, enabling the group to experience others learning through the object? Reflecting my proposed object, any proposed interaction had to be universal, I thought of play. Often viewed as childish, it is an invaluable ubiquitous tool for interlinking groups, allowing them to make sense of the world relating to Hegel’s ideas on education means the ‘ability to see things from the point of view of the other‘. Maybe it could also be fun, let’s see?

05.12.2023 Design Charrette

Takss with Stage 1 cohort

Task 1 – individual response

Individually the students were asked to draw their ideal Design Review incorporating what they would like to see in the future.

‘Memories are motionless, and the more securely they are fixed in Space, the sounder they are’ Gaston Bachelard The Poetics of Space 1958

Task 2 – work in pairs

In pairs the students got to review the feedback forms, I explained how we use them for marking and the students applied feedback they wished to see on the forms in the future including how they should be marked.

Task 3 – work as a group

to the left is the existing manifesto for UAL BA Architecture Spatial Practices, as a group they students were asked to create a manifesto for future reviews for tutors, critics and students.


want to see tutors first design work


  1. Bachelard, G., Danielewski, M. Z. (Contributor), & Jolas, M. (Translator). (2014). The Poetics of Space. Paperback edition. Penguin.

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